A Rundown of What a Keto Diet Is and Why You Need It


Just about anyone you meet today is on some sort of diet. Keto diet in Australia and intermittent fasting has become common lingo, and almost everyone has a narrow and staggering knowledge on the subject. Some of those on these types of diets are following them without fully understanding the hows and whys of their diet plan.

With this article, we want to throw a word of caution into the wind today to all those administering the diet without adequate knowledge of the subject. Be cautious because it could take a turn for the worse if you don't fully understand it. 

Today, we will focus on one of these diet types-the Keto Diet in Australia. 

Here's our rundown of what a keto diet meal plan is and why you need it.

What exactly is the Keto Diet?

Keto diet is a commonly used term for what's formally known as a ketogenic diet. The diet constitutes a low-carbohydrate meal plan, essentially. 

The basics of any keto diet in Australia are to consume high fat, moderate amounts of protein and an ultra-low quantity of carbohydrates. Typically, the food ratio is 70–80 percent of fat, 10–20 percent of protein, and about 5–10 percent of carbohydrates.

Note: You will see an initial weight loss that can be majorly attributed to water loss due to the dramatic decrease in consumption of carbohydrates. Do not be alarmed or surprised. By eliminating an entire food category, you severely limit your daily consumption options, resulting in a small appetite.

How does it work?

In the normal digestion procedure, carbohydrates break down into sugars, including glucose, within the small intestine, which then gets absorbed into the bloodstream. The glucose then gets taken up by the cells and muscles of one's body; while some glucose gets converted into energy, some is stored for later usage. 

Our bodies, however, do prefer to use glucose derived from carbohydrates as their main source of energy. However, by significantly reducing the consumption of carbohydrates, the body uses either fats instead of carbohydrates or some of the glucose stored up for later usage (previously mentioned). 

When this happens, our bodies tend to shed water, significantly reducing our weight. 

What is Ketosis & How Does One Get into that State?

As mentioned above, the body cells prefer glucose that results from the consumption of carbohydrates. Reduction in the use of carbs and replacing them with fats puts the body in a state of ketosis. Ketosis is the state where one's liver produces ketone bodies using stored fats, which may result in significant weight loss. 

Recognizing the State of Ketosis

We mentioned above some of the key side effects of being on a keto diet meal plan. However, recognising that you are currently in a state of ketosis can be tough. 

You could also confirm that you are in a state of ketosis by testing your ketones. Ketone testing is typically done by testing one's blood, breath, or urine. You could easily do the test at home by using ketone testing urine strips. 

Fasting & Keto: Does it Make Sense?

Fasting has been known to help the body trigger into a state of ketosis. Depriving the body of food works to help the body use reserved fats for energy. Although it aids the body, it is not a mandatory part and parcel of the keto diet plan. 

You could try intermittent fasting, time-restricted eating, or even periodic fasting if you are interested in giving it a try. 

The Keto-Carb Relationship

In order for a ketogenic diet to work, there needs to be a demandingly conspicuous decrease in the consumption of carbohydrates. However, eliminating carbs altogether is much easier said than done. A vast majority of food items available for daily consumption are full of carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, potatoes, fruits, and even vegetables. A broad category of food essentially becomes non-existent for one to consume regularly. It narrows down choices for eating at home and out. If not done under supervision, it could further lead to a deficiency of micronutrients that the body absolutely needs. 

The main goal is to consume no more than 30 grammes of carbohydrates per day.It's a steep mountain to climb. So, those with strong willpower can easily achieve this, but for others, it may seem like a hard upward hike. 

Keto-approved food

When on a Keto Diet in Australia, although the body rejects the use of carbohydrates as its source of energy, it relies on fat for energy. Fat is a requirement. Therefore, it is essential that one consumes healthy oils and fats such as avocados, cream, butter, peanut butter, and other oils that can be consumed quite liberally. Cheese and eggs are also considered healthy. One is encouraged to eat more fruits, nuts, and seeds as they contain healthy oils.

Proteins are a healthy meal constituent of the keto diet, and one is encouraged to have seafood while one should regulate the amount of red meat consumed, such as salmon and beef. 

Non-starchy vegetables are a bit of a hit. Consumption of broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, celery, asparagus, green beans, and more is also a good source of keto dietary fibre. 

Along with all this, one must hydrate themselves with adequate amounts of water, especially since the keto diet seems to have a diuretic effect and may result in dehydration. 

Is Keto Better Than Other Diets for Weight Loss?

Being on a keto diet menu can result in one losing weight more rapidly than other restrictive diet forms. Although initially, it may seem like the body is fighting hard to balance out the restrictions on certain food items by cutting carb consumption, the body does tend to adapt to this significant reduction and, therefore, lower the basal metabolic rate of the body. This makes room for the body to lose weight even while in a state of rest. Isn't that ideal? 

How to Reduce Weight Sustainably While on a Keto Diet? 

  • Ensure to Take it Slow & Steady.

The aim should be to lose no more than 1 kg per day. Secondly, don't panic if it's less than a kilogramme each day, as it can vary between 0.5 and 1 kilogramme. If you lose more than that, then you will begin to lose water and muscle rather than the fat content. 

  • Avoid Consuming Foods on the High-Glycemic index.

When one consumes foods with a high-glycemic index, it tends to stimulate the secretion of insulin in the body and thus drive the deposition of fat. 

  • Consume Plenty of Vegetables & Fruits

Fruits and vegetables contain a massive amount of phytonutrients. Over three studies based on weight loss show that those who increase the amount of high-fibre and low GI fruits and vegetables such as green leafy vegetables are more likely to maintain their weight or lose it well. 

  • Keep yourself hydrated with water.

Ensure that you drink plenty of water. Not juices, but water. Each time you feel hungry, it's your body's way of indicating that it's dehydrated, so keep a bottle of water nearby as you go about your day. 

  • Portion Size Control

Eating from a smaller portion size plate keeps one's rate of consumption in check. Switch out your dinner plate or go for smaller bowls if you prefer. 

  • Use Herbs and Spices to Experiment

Avoid consuming sauces and dressings containing sugary substances. Instead, try to use natural products such as lemon, chilli, and flavours such as garlic, spices, and herbs to add flavour to the food, rather than consuming sugary substances. 

  • Cut back on Consuming Processed Foods & Drinks.

Be prepared with snacks. This can make a world of difference. Discretionary choices in snacks can topple your entire diet plan. So, make sure to say no to any processed foods and drinks such as junk food and stop yourself from heading to the vending machine for a snack. Instead, be prepared with snacks that are keto-friendly for after your keto lunch. 

This is the whole rundown of what a keto diet menu is, why you need it, and how you can begin your keto journey. Contact us today to help set up your keto diet meal plan and delivery system. Go through our menu today!

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